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Elasmobranch or Elasmobranchii is a group of cartilaginous fish comprised of shark, ray, and skate species. Closely related, chimaera forms another group called Holocephali in which their skeleton also made of cartilage, just like the Elasmobranch. These cartilaginous fish differ from their relative, the Actinopterygii, which comprised of true bony fishes.
Every Elasmobranch species have their own unique characteristics. Some can be easily differentiated, while some are difficult. However it is quite easy to differentiate between shark, ray and skate, and chimaera.
This key characteristic is an important differentiator as some shark species resemble ray and skate, and vice versa. Meanwhile, chimaera can be recognized in a glance due to their unique morphology.
Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
(source: pixabay)
Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari)
(source: pixabay)
Pale Chimaera (Hydrolagus pallidus)
(source: pixabay)
The following are identification guides and books recommended by Elasmobranch Project Indonesia:
All Elasmobranchs
White et al. (2006) - Economically Important Sharks & Rays of Indonesia
Identifying sharks and rays: A guide for NSW commercial fishers
Rays (Wedgefish and Guitarfish)
Jabado (2019) - Wedgefishes and giant guitarfishes: a guide to species identification