We are currently accepting data taken since January 1st 2019
The following Terms and Agreements apply to Elasmobranch Project Indonesia (EPI) data submitters.
Prior to submitting your encounter photograph and data to EPI, please read the following Terms and Agreements (T&A). The “you”, “your”, or “yours” in this T&A refer to the respectable submitters who will submit their photograph and data to EPI. Your agreement and compliance towards this T&A will be asked each time a new photograph and data will be submitted. If you by any circumstances do not agree with any content of the T&A, please refrain from submitting your photograph and data to EPI.
EPI has the right to change, add, or remove the content in this T&A. Any changes in the T&A will be mentioned to the submitters via email who have previously submitted their photograph and data to EPI. Previous photograph and data submitted prior to the new or changed T&A will follow the policy of the previous T&A version(s) and if needed will follow the changes required as in the newest version. Changes in the T&A will be guaranteed not to infringe or violate the submitters’ previous photographs copyright.
Any personal information submitted, except for name or full name which will be used to credit the submitter’s photograph, will remain confidential. These informations will only be used by EPI to communicate with the submitter regarding the photograph and data submitted. Your submitted data need to be as complete, accurate and corresponds according to the guide provided in the “Guidelines” page. EPI has the right to edit and modify your data to enhance and standardize its accuracy and quality. Your photograph and a portion of your data will only be accepted and displayed in the “Map” page after being deemed feasible by EPI. Either the photograph and the data is acceptable or unacceptable will be notified to you via email, and notes regarding the unacceptable photograph and data will be made as detailed as possible for feedback. Photograph and data deemed as acceptable will be displayed in our “Result” page and a unique ID code of your photograph and data will be sent via email. The unique ID code can be used to track your submitted photograph and data in the “Map” page.
You own the copyright to your photograph and at the same time agree to share it limitedly with the general public and “Requester”. Requester refers to student, researcher, organization, government body, and other person or party deemed suitable and acceptable by EPI to support the conservation of Elasmobranch in Indonesia. Each photograph you submitted will be credited using your name or full name according the information filled at the time the photograph is submitted. Make sure the photograph and data you will submit does not violate or infringe the copyright of other individual or your affiliation/workplace. Submitted data is to be used, when appropriate, by either EPI or Requester in any form of publication. Acknowledgement to the data used in any form of publication will not mention the name of each submitter individually, but as “Contributor”. When your photograph is to be used in any form of publication, only the credited version of the photograph will be used.